Fastsearch format (fs)#

Fingerprint-aided substructure and similarity searching

Writing to the fs format makes an index of a multi-molecule datafile:

obabel dataset.sdf -ofs

This prepares an index dataset.fs with default parameters, and is slow (~30 minutes for a 250,000 molecule file).

However, when reading from the fs format searches are much faster, a few seconds, and so can be done interactively.

The search target is the parameter of the -s option and can be slightly extended SMILES (with [#n] atoms and ~ bonds) or the name of a file containing a molecule.

Several types of searches are possible:

  • Identical molecule:

    obabel index.fs -O outfile.yyy -s SMILES exact
  • Substructure:

    obabel index.fs -O outfile.yyy  -s SMILES   or
    obabel index.fs -O outfile.yyy  -s

    where xxx is a format id known to OpenBabel, e.g. sdf

  • Molecular similarity based on Tanimoto coefficient:

    obabel index.fs -O outfile.yyy -at15  -sSMILES  # best 15 molecules
    obabel index.fs -O outfile.yyy -at0.7 -sSMILES  # Tanimoto >0.7
    obabel index.fs -O outfile.yyy -at0.7,0.9 -sSMILES
    #     Tanimoto >0.7 && Tanimoto < 0.9

The datafile plus the -ifs option can be used instead of the index file.

NOTE on 32-bit systems the datafile MUST NOT be larger than 4GB.

Dative bonds like -[N+][O-](=O) are indexed as -N(=O)(=O), and when searching the target molecule should be in the second form.

Read Options#

-t <num>

Do similarity search:<num>mols or <num> as min Tanimoto


Add Tanimoto coeff to title in similarity search

-l <num>

Maximum number of candidates. Default<4000>


Exact match

Alternative to using exact in -s parameter, see above


No further SMARTS filtering after fingerprint phase

Write Options#

-f <num>

Fingerprint type

If not specified, the default fingerprint (currently FP2) is used

-N <num>

Fold fingerprint to <num> bits


Update an existing index