OBStopwatch Class Reference

Stopwatch class used for timing length of execution. More...

#include <openbabel/obutil.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void Start ()
double Lap ()
double Elapsed ()

Detailed Description

Stopwatch class used for timing length of execution.

The OBStopwatch class makes timing the execution of blocks of code to microsecond accuracy very simple. The class effectively has two functions, Start() and Elapsed(). The usage of the OBStopwatch class is demonstrated by the following code:

    OBStopwatch sw;
    //insert code here
    cout << "Elapsed time = " << sw.Elapsed() << endl;

Member Function Documentation

void Start (  )  [inline]

Mark the start of "stopwatch" timing.

double Lap (  )  [inline]

The time since calling OBStopwatch::Start() in seconds.

double Elapsed (  )  [inline]

The time since calling OBStopwatch::Start() in seconds.

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