Open Babel  3.0
Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
DLHandler Class Reference

#include <openbabel/dlhandler.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static bool getConvDirectory (std::string &convPath)
static int findFiles (std::vector< std::string > &file_list, const std::string &pattern, const std::string &path)
static int findFiles (std::vector< std::string > &file_list, const std::string &filename)
static bool openLib (const std::string &lib_name)
static const char * getFormatFilePattern ()
static char getSeparator ()
static void Sleep (int n)

Detailed Description

Interface for dynamic libraries.

This class defines an interface for finding and opening dynamic loadable libraries on different platforms (e.g., modular plugins) via different source code files. It has only what is needed for OpenBabel and is not intended to be general purpose. Internally, it is used for dynamic loading and unloading OBFormat file translation modules.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getConvDirectory()

bool getConvDirectory ( std::string &  convPath)

Get the directory containing the dynamic library plugins.

The result is stored in convPath and depends on the operating system and build tools.

Linux: always returns OB_MODULE_PATH (defined in src/config.h.cmake).

Windows cygwin: Uses windows' GetModuleHandle to get a handle to the application module. From this, the applications path can be extracted. The appname.exe is removed and ..\lib\openbabel\BABEL_VERSION\ is appended.

Windows MSVC: Uses windows' GetModuleHandle to get a handle to the OBError dll module. From this, the dll's path can be extracted.

See also

Referenced by OBPlugin::LoadAllPlugins().

◆ findFiles() [1/2]

int findFiles ( std::vector< std::string > &  file_list,
const std::string &  pattern,
const std::string &  path 

Searches a directory specified by path for files whose name matches a pattern which can include * as a wildcard. If the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable is set, this will override the path parameter. The path name should include a final separator (\ or /). The routine fills a vector of strings with the matching file names (including path). Note that this is not recursive: it only matches files in the specified path. For example, if path = e:\path\to\ and pattern = *.obf it will return vector entries lik e:\path\to\cmlformat.obf

the number of valid files.

Referenced by OBPlugin::LoadAllPlugins().

◆ findFiles() [2/2]

int findFiles ( std::vector< std::string > &  file_list,
const std::string &  filename 

Searches for files which match a full filename (including the path) which contains a wildcard. The routine adds matching file names (including path) to a vector of strings .

the number of matching files. If no wildcard in name adds name to vector and returns -1.

◆ openLib()

bool openLib ( const std::string &  lib_name)

Open a dynamic library with path lib_name.

Referenced by findFiles(), and OBPlugin::LoadAllPlugins().

◆ getFormatFilePattern()

const char * getFormatFilePattern ( )
The file extension pattern for Open Babel plugin modules (e.g. *.obf on Windows)

Referenced by OBPlugin::LoadAllPlugins(), and matchFiles().

◆ getSeparator()

char getSeparator ( )
The system directory separator (i.e. "\" on Windows, "/" on UNIX)

◆ Sleep()

void Sleep ( int  n)

Call the system routine to wait (sleep) this process for n seconds.

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