Open Babel  3.0
List of all members
OBReactionFacade Class Reference

#include <openbabel/reactionfacade.h>

Public Member Functions

 OBReactionFacade (OBMol *mol)
 ~OBReactionFacade ()
Low-level methods

These are convenience functions that set/get reaction-related data on individual atoms. The actual data is stored in the underlying OBMol as OBPairInteger data with the keys "rxnrole" or "rxncomp" (reaction role, reaction component). The other methods of this class are implemented using these methods. Care should be taken using the setter functions, as (unlike the other methods) their use can result in an inconsistent state. IsValid() may be used to check whether this is the case.

void AssignComponentIds (bool wipe=true)
OBReactionRole GetRole (OBAtom *atom)
unsigned int GetComponentId (OBAtom *atom)
void SetRole (OBAtom *atom, OBReactionRole rxnrole)
void SetComponentId (OBAtom *atom, unsigned int compid)
Check validity of reaction data
bool IsValid ()
High-level methods

These are a set of methods that manipulate reactions at the component level. If you use these high-level methods, and subsequently modify the underlying OBMol or its reaction data, you may need to clear cached information on the reaction components via ClearInternalState().

void AddComponent (OBMol *mol, OBReactionRole rxnrole)
void ClearInternalState ()
bool GetComponent (OBMol *mol, OBReactionRole rxnrole, unsigned int num)
unsigned int NumComponents (OBReactionRole rxnrole)
bool ReassignComponent (OBReactionRole oldrole, unsigned int num, OBReactionRole newrole)

Detailed Description

Facade to simplify manipulation of reactions stored as OBMol objects.

All of the information defining a reaction is stored as part of an OBMol. This information is:

Everything that may need to be done with reactions can be implemented using this information. The purpose of this class is simply to provide convenience functions that cover a range of likely use cases. If your use case is not included, it should still be straightforward for you to manipulate the underlying information to achieve your goal.

version 3.0

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OBReactionFacade()

OBReactionFacade ( OBMol mol)

The constructor requires an OBMol. Member functions retrieve or manipulate reaction data stored in this molecule.

◆ ~OBReactionFacade()

Member Function Documentation

◆ AssignComponentIds()

void AssignComponentIds ( bool  wipe = true)

Assigns a component Id to every atom in the molecule based on connected components. If wipe is false, then any atoms that already have a component Id are skipped.

◆ GetRole()

OBReactionRole GetRole ( OBAtom atom)

Return the reaction role of an atom.

◆ GetComponentId()

unsigned int GetComponentId ( OBAtom atom)

Return the component Id of an atom.

◆ SetRole()

void SetRole ( OBAtom atom,
OBReactionRole  rxnrole 

Set the reaction role of an atom.

◆ SetComponentId()

void SetComponentId ( OBAtom atom,
unsigned int  compid 

Set the component Id of an atom.

◆ IsValid()

bool IsValid ( )

Check whether this OBMol is in a valid state to represent a reaction.

Note, first of all, that this does not check whether a reaction is chemically valid. It simply checks whether the OBMol has the following properties:

  • (a) it is marked as a reaction
  • (b) every atom is marked as having a reaction role
  • (c) every atom is marked as belonging to a particular reaction component
  • (d) every atom in a connected component is marked as belong to the same reaction component and having the same reaction role

If (a) is not true, while it does not affect any of the methods of the OBReactionFacade, the reaction may not be written appropriately by an output format.

If (b), (c) or (d) is not true, then the behavior of the toolkit is undefined when handling this molecule.

While not checked by this function, it is also a good idea to avoid reusing the same component Id for different reaction roles, e.g. having a reactant with component Id 1 as well as a product with component Id 1. If you reassign roles, then the duplication of component Ids may cause two components to be merged into one.

◆ AddComponent()

void AddComponent ( OBMol mol,
OBReactionRole  rxnrole 

Add a new component to the reaction

◆ ClearInternalState()

void ClearInternalState ( )

Clear the list of found components.

On first use any of the high-level methods, the number of components for each reaction role is determined and each is assigned a number from 0 to the number of components. This information is cached for future accesses. If you modify the underlying OBMol in a way that invalidates this information (e.g. using the low-level methods), you should call ClearInternalState() or create a new OBReactionFacade.

◆ GetComponent()

bool GetComponent ( OBMol mol,
OBReactionRole  rxnrole,
unsigned int  num 

Copy a component from the reaction into the provided OBMol.

Note that all reaction data is copied, and so this may be useful for building up a new reaction composed of just some of the components of the original reaction. If copying components from multiple reactions into a single one, to avoid duplicate component Ids it may be easier to copy into an empty OBMol, and then use AddComponent() to add this OBMol into the new reaction.

A boolean indicating whether the reaction has a component with that number.

◆ NumComponents()

unsigned int NumComponents ( OBReactionRole  rxnrole)

Return the number of reaction components with a particular reaction role.

◆ ReassignComponent()

bool ReassignComponent ( OBReactionRole  oldrole,
unsigned int  num,
OBReactionRole  newrole 

Reassign the reaction role of a given component. If assigned to NO_REACTIONROLE, this may be used to hide the reaction component when writing to a reaction output format.

It should be noted that reassigning a component changes the numbers assigned. For example, in a reaction with 2 reactants and 2 products (each numbered from 0 to 1), if you reassign reactant number 0 to be a product, it will now be product number 2 while former reactant number 1 will now be reactant number 0.

A boolean indicating whether the reaction has a component with that number.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: