Open Babel 2.1.1#
Released on 2007-07-07.
What’s new from 2.1.0#
- Improved scripting support, including dictionary-support for
OBGenericData in pybel, casting from OBUnitCell, etc. Improved access to OBRings from OBMol.GetSSSR().
- Added support for descriptors (e.g., PSA, logP) from scripting
- Added support for reading all PDB records (beyond current atom and
bond connections). Records not handled directly by Open Babel are added as key/value pairs through OBPairData.
- Added a new configure flag –with-pkglibdir to allow Linux package
distributors to define version-specific directories for file format plugins.
- Fixed a bug which would not output chirality information for
canonical SMILES with 3D files.
- Fixed problems with new line-ending code. Now correctly reads DOS
and old Mac OS files with non-UNIX line endings.
- Correctly rejects SMILES with incorrect ring closures. Thanks to
Craig James for the report.
Fixed a crash when output to canonical SMILES.
Fixed a crash when converting from SMILES to InChI.
Fixed a crash when reading some PDB files on Windows.
Fixed a crash when reading invalid MDL/SDF files.
Fixed a bug which made it impossible to read some GAMESS files.
Fixed a problem when reading ChemDraw CDX files on Mac OS X.
A large number of additional fixes, including some rare crashes.