Open Babel  3.0
Classes | Typedefs | Functions


class  OBCisTransStereo
class  OBSquarePlanarStereo
class  OBStereo
struct  OBStereoUnit
class  OBStereoBase
class  OBStereoFacade
class  OBTetrahedralStereo
class  OBTetraNonPlanarStereo


typedef std::vector< OBStereoUnitOBStereoUnitSet
typedef std::vector< OBStereoUnitSetOBStereoUnitSetOfSets


ostream & operator<< (ostream &out, const OpenBabel::OBCisTransStereo &ct)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &out, const OpenBabel::OBCisTransStereo::Config &cfg)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &out, const OpenBabel::OBSquarePlanarStereo &ct)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &out, const OpenBabel::OBSquarePlanarStereo::Config &cfg)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &out, const OpenBabel::OBTetrahedralStereo &ts)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &out, const OpenBabel::OBTetrahedralStereo::Config &cfg)

High level functions

void PerceiveStereo (OBMol *mol, bool force=false)
void StereoFrom2D (OBMol *mol, std::map< OBBond *, enum OBStereo::BondDirection > *updown=NULL, bool force=false)
void StereoFrom3D (OBMol *mol, bool force=false)
void StereoFrom0D (OBMol *mol)

Low level functions

std::vector< OBTetrahedralStereo * > TetrahedralFrom3D (OBMol *mol, const OBStereoUnitSet &stereoUnits, bool addToMol=true)
std::vector< OBTetrahedralStereo * > TetrahedralFrom2D (OBMol *mol, const OBStereoUnitSet &stereoUnits, bool addToMol=true)
std::vector< OBTetrahedralStereo * > TetrahedralFrom0D (OBMol *mol, const OBStereoUnitSet &stereoUnits, bool addToMol=true)
std::vector< OBCisTransStereo * > CisTransFrom3D (OBMol *mol, const OBStereoUnitSet &stereoUnits, bool addToMol=true)
std::vector< OBCisTransStereo * > CisTransFrom2D (OBMol *mol, const OBStereoUnitSet &stereoUnits, const std::map< OBBond *, enum OBStereo::BondDirection > *updown=NULL, bool addToMol=true)
bool TetStereoToWedgeHash (OBMol &mol, std::map< OBBond *, enum OBStereo::BondDirection > &updown, std::map< OBBond *, OBStereo::Ref > &from)
std::set< OBBond * > GetUnspecifiedCisTrans (OBMol &mol)
void StereoRefToImplicit (OBMol &mol, OBStereo::Ref atomId)
void ImplicitRefToStereo (OBMol &mol, OBStereo::Ref centerId, OBStereo::Ref newId)
std::vector< OBCisTransStereo * > CisTransFrom0D (OBMol *mol, const OBStereoUnitSet &stereoUnits, bool addToMol=true)

Stereogenic unit identification

OBStereoUnitSet FindStereogenicUnits (OBMol *mol, const std::vector< unsigned int > &symClasses)
OBStereoUnitSet FindStereogenicUnits (OBMol *mol, const std::vector< unsigned int > &symClasses, const Automorphisms &automorphisms)

Detailed Description

Overview of classes

There are many molecules which contain stereogenic elements. However, certain cases (i.e. tetrahedral, cis/trans) are more common than others (i.e. allene, biphenyl, octrahedral, ...). For the common stereogenic units, classes are provided. The inheritance of these classes resembles the way they are split into groups.


All specific classes (i.e. OBTetrahedralStereo, ...) have embedded Config structs which define the actual stereochemistry. All these Config structs use OBStereo::Ref values to reference or uniquely identify atoms. Make sure to read about OBStereo::Ref and the related functions (in OBStereo). OBStereo is also a placeholder for various enums with predefined values for parameters etc. These enums are used throughout the different stereo classes but having these enums in a single location makes it easier to remember. When working with stereo classes, you normally don't need to use any of the parent classes directly. Only OBStereo and the specific class are needed.

Basic usage

The OBStereoFacade hides the complexity of working with stereochemistry. When using openbabel as a library, this is by far the easiest way to access stereochemistry information. The header for the specific OBStereo::Type type is all you need to include. These are:

All these headers also include openbabel/stereo/stereo.h providing declarations for OBStereo & OBStereoFacade.

#include <iostream>
#include <openbabel/mol.h>
using namespace OpenBabel;
int main()
OBMol mol;
conv.ReadString(&mol, "C[C@H](Cl)Br");
OBStereoFacade facade(&mol);
FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(atom, mol) {
if (facade.HasTetrahedralStereo(atom->GetId()))
std::cout << facade.GetTetrahedralStereo(atom->GetId()) << std::endl;

All specific stereo classes and their embedded Config struct have an operator<< function which allows them to be used with std::ostream objects (e.g. std::cout, std::err, ...). These functions are often useful when debugging code.

Details on implementation

The detection of stereogenic units start with symmetry analysis. However, a complete symmetry analysis also needs to take stereochemistry into account. In practice, this means stereochemistry will be found iteratively. At each iteration, the current atom symmetry classes are used to identify stereogenic units. The details about how the symmetry classes are used depends on the type (OBStereo::Type) of stereogenic unit. For tetrahedral centers, having 3 heavy atom neighbors with different symmetry classes or 4 neighbors with different symmetry classes means the atom is chiral. See FindStereogenicUnits() for details.

After identifying the stereogenic units, Config structs with all the information on the spacial arrangement of the groups still have to be created. This involves interpreting various ways to represent stereochemisrty:

Both StereoFrom3D() and StereoFrom2D() delete all existing stereochemistry objects before adding new ones. For molecules with 3D coordinates, it is evident that all information is specified by the coordinates itself. However, if a file format uses stereo parity flags, Config structs must be constructed using lower level functions and StereoFrom3D() should not be called. In these cases information could be lost by calling StereoFrom3D() after reading the file (the stereo flag might have indicated the stereochemistry was unspecified or the flag might not match the coordinates). In the case of 2D molecules, the coordinates together with bond properties (OBBond::Hash, OBBond::Wedge, OBBond::WedgeOrHash and OBBond::CisOrTrans) define the stereochemistry. Again, lower level functions can be used when stereo flags need to be used.

StereoFrom0D() works slightly different than 3D/2D. Here, deleting the stereochemistry would always result in lost information. Instead StereoFrom0D() only adds new objects for stereogenic units which were previously not found. For example, a smiles is read which has two tetrahedral centers. Only one has stereochemistry specified using a '@' character. StereoFrom0D() will detect the second tetrahedral atom and add an OBTetrahedralStereo object to the molecule. The Config::specified flag for the newly added structs is always set to false.

Assuming the format code has correctly set the molecule dimensions (OBMol::GetDimesions), PerceiveStereo() will automatically select the correct function to call. When StereoFrom3D(), StereoFrom2D() or StereoFrom0D() are not used, make sure to always set OBMol::HasChiralityPerceived() before returning from the format's ReadMolecule().

Guidelines for formats

Reading files

Writing files

For many file formats no additional code is needed. For example, if a 3D format doesn't require stereo parity flags, writing the coordinates is enough. For 2D file formats it will often suffice to write the coordinates and bond properties. If parity flags are needed, the OBStereoFacade class can be used to retreive the objects for all types of stereochemistry supported by the file format.

version 2.3

Typedef Documentation

◆ OBStereoUnitSet

typedef std::vector<OBStereoUnit> OBStereoUnitSet

A single set of OBStereoUnit objects.

This type can be used to represent all stereogenic units in a molecule and is used as return type of FinStereogenicUnits(). This set is also the input for many functions requiring this information (e.g. StereoFrom2D, ...).

◆ OBStereoUnitSetOfSets

typedef std::vector<OBStereoUnitSet> OBStereoUnitSetOfSets

A set of sets of OBStereoUnit objects.

This type is used for cases where there is some relationship between individual OBStereoUnit objects.

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<() [1/6]

ostream& std::operator<< ( ostream &  out,
const OpenBabel::OBCisTransStereo ct 
OBCisTransStereo::Config cfg;
cfg.begin = 0;
cfg.end = 1;
cfg.refs = OBStereo::MakeRefs(2, 3, 4, 5);
cfg.shape = OBStereo::ShapeU;
OBCisTransStereo ct(mol);
cout << "ct = " << ct << endl;
// output
OBCisTransStereo(begin = 0, end = 1, refs = 2 3 4 5, shape = U)

◆ operator<<() [2/6]

ostream& std::operator<< ( ostream &  out,
const OpenBabel::OBCisTransStereo::Config cfg 
OBCisTransStereo::Config cfg;
cfg.begin = 0;
cfg.end = 1;
cfg.refs = OBStereo::MakeRefs(2, 3, 4, 5);
cfg.shape = OBStereo::ShapeU;
cout << "cfg = " << cfg << endl;
// output
OBCisTransStereo::Config(begin = 0, end = 1, refs = 2 3 4 5, shape = U)

◆ operator<<() [3/6]

ostream& std::operator<< ( ostream &  out,
const OpenBabel::OBSquarePlanarStereo ct 
OBSquarePlanarStereo::Config cfg; = 0;
cfg.refs = OBStereo::MakeRefs(1, 2, 3, 4);
cfg.shape = OBStereo::ShapeU;
OBSquarePlanarStereo ct(mol);
cout << "ct = " << ct << endl;
// output
OBSquarePlanarStereo(center = 0, refs = 1 2 3 4, shape = U)

◆ operator<<() [4/6]

ostream& std::operator<< ( ostream &  out,
const OpenBabel::OBSquarePlanarStereo::Config cfg 
OBSquarePlanarStereo::Config cfg; = 0;
cfg.refs = OBStereo::MakeRefs(1, 2, 3, 4);
cfg.shape = OBStereo::ShapeU;
cout << "cfg = " << cfg << endl;
// output
OBSquarePlanarStereo::Config(center = 0, refs = 1 2 3 4, shape = U)

◆ PerceiveStereo()

void OpenBabel::PerceiveStereo ( OBMol mol,
bool  force = false 

Convert 0D/2D/3D coordinates to OBStereo objects. The right function will be selected based on the molecule's dimensionality (i.e. OBMol::GetDimension()).

See also
StereoFrom3D StereoFrom2D StereoFrom0D
version 2.3

Referenced by OBStereoFacade::OBStereoFacade().

◆ StereoFrom2D()

void OpenBabel::StereoFrom2D ( OBMol mol,
std::map< OBBond *, enum OBStereo::BondDirection > *  updown = NULL,
bool  force = false 

Convert the 2D depiction of molecule mol to OBStereo objects. This function makes use of the lower level functions TetrahedralFrom2D(), CisTransFrom2D(), SquarePlanarFrom2D(), ...

First, symmetry analysis taking stereochemistry into account is performed iteratively (see OBGraphSym). Next the 2D coordinates, OBBond::Wedge, OBBond::Hash, OBBond::WedgeOrHash and OBBond::CisOrTrans are used to construct OBStereoBase derived objects to store the stereochemistry. These objects will be added to mol.

Unless perception is forced, this function does nothing if stereochemistry has already been perceived (i.e. OBMol::HasChiralityPerceived()). Before doing the actual perception, any data of the OBGenericDataType::StereoData type will be deleted.

[1] T. Cieplak, J.L. Wisniewski, A New Effective Algorithm for the
Unambiguous Identification of the Stereochemical Characteristics of
Compounds During Their Registration in Databases. Molecules 2000, 6,
molThe molecule containing 2D coordinates.
updownA map of OBStereo::BondDirection for cis/trans bonds
forceForce to run the perception even if the results are cached.
See also
StereoFrom3D StereoFrom0D PerceiveStereo
version 2.3

Referenced by OBStereoFacade::OBStereoFacade().

◆ StereoFrom3D()

void OpenBabel::StereoFrom3D ( OBMol mol,
bool  force = false 

Convert the 3D coordinates of molecule mol to OBStereo objects. This function makes use of the lower level functions TetrahedralFrom3D(), CisTransFrom3D(), SquarePlanarFrom3D(), ...

Unless perception is forced, this function does nothing if stereochemistry has already been perceived (i.e. OBMol::HasChiralityPerceived()). Before doing the actual perception, any data of the OBGenericDataType::StereoData type will be deleted.

molThe molecule containing 3D coordinates.
forceForce to run the perception even if the results are cached.
See also
StereoFrom3D StereoFrom0D PerceiveStereo
version 2.3

Referenced by OBStereoFacade::OBStereoFacade().

◆ StereoFrom0D()

void OpenBabel::StereoFrom0D ( OBMol mol)

Add missing OBStereo objects. Unlike StereoFrom3D() and StereoFrom2D(), this method only adds objects for previously unidentified objects since we don't want to loose any information. The Config::specified flag for the newly added structs is always set to false.

For example, a smiles is read which has two tetrahedral centers. Only one has stereochemisrty specified using a '@' character. StereoFrom0D() will detect the second tetrahedral atom and add an OBTetrahedralStereo object to the molecule.

molThe molecule.
See also
StereoFrom3D StereoFrom2D PerceiveStereo
version 2.3

Referenced by OBStereoFacade::OBStereoFacade().

◆ TetrahedralFrom3D()

std::vector<OBTetrahedralStereo*> OpenBabel::TetrahedralFrom3D ( OBMol mol,
const OBStereoUnitSet stereoUnits,
bool  addToMol = true 

Get a vector with all OBTetrahedralStereo objects for the molecule. This function is used by StereoFrom3D() with the addToMol parameter is set to true.

The algorithm to convert the 3D coordinates to OBTetrahedralStereo object uses the sign of the volume described by the 4 center atom neighbors. Given 4 points $a$, $b$, $c$ and $d$, the signed volume $S_v$ is defined as:

\[ S_v = \left| \begin{array}{ccc} x_b - x_a & y_b - y_a & z_b - z_a \\ x_c - x_a & y_c - y_a & z_c - z_a \\ x_d - x_a & y_d - y_a & z_d - z_a \end{array} \right| \]

The sign of $S_v$ changes when any of the points cross the plane defined by the other 3 points. To make this less abstract one could say that a change of sign is equal to inverting the tetrahedral stereochemistry.

In case there are only 3 neighbor atoms for the tetrahedral center, the center atom itself is used as 4th point. This only changes the magnitude and not the sign of $S_v$ because the center atom is still on the same side of the plane.

This function is also used for symmetry analysis to handle cases where there are two atoms in the same symmetry class that don't have the same stereochemistry. In this situation, the addToMol parameter is set to false and the returned objects will need to be deleted explicitly.

molThe molecule.
stereoUnitsThe stereogenic units.
addToMolIf true, the OBTetrahedralStereo objects will be added to the molecule using OBBase::SetData().
See also
StereoFrom3D FindStereogenicUnits
version 2.3

Referenced by OpenBabel::CanonicalLabels(), OBBuilder::CorrectStereoAtoms(), and OBStereoFacade::OBStereoFacade().

◆ TetrahedralFrom2D()

std::vector<OBTetrahedralStereo*> OpenBabel::TetrahedralFrom2D ( OBMol mol,
const OBStereoUnitSet stereoUnits,
bool  addToMol = true 

Get a vector with all OBTetrahedralStereo objects for the molecule. This function is used by StereoFrom2D() with the addToMol parameter is set to true.

The algorithm to convert the 2D coordinates and bond properties (i.e. OBBond::Wedge, OBBond::Hash, OBBond::WedgeOrHash and OBBond::CisOrTrans) uses the sign of a triangle. Given 3 points $a$, $b$ and $c$, the sign of the trianle $S_t$ is defined as:

\[ S_t = (x_a - x_c) (y_b - y_c) - (y_a - y_c) (x_b - x_c) \]

This is equation 6 from on the referenced web page. The 3 points used to calculate the triangle sign always remain in the same plane (i.e. z = 0). The actual meaning of $S_t$ (i.e. assignment of OBStereo::Winding) depends on the 4th atom. When the atom is in front of the plane, the sign should be changed to have the same absolute meaning for an atom behind the plane and the same triangle. It is important to note that none of the z coordinates is ever changed, the molecule always stays 2D (unlike methods which set a pseudo-z coordinate).

document bond property interpretation!

This function is also used for symmetry analysis to handle cases where there are two atoms in the same symmetry class that don't have the same stereochemistry. In this situation, the addToMol parameter is set to false and the returned objects will need to be deleted explicitly.

[1] T. Cieplak, J.L. Wisniewski, A New Effective Algorithm for the
Unambiguous Identification of the Stereochemical Characteristics of
Compounds During Their Registration in Databases. Molecules 2000, 6,
molThe molecule.
stereoUnitsThe stereogenic units.
addToMolIf true, the OBTetrahedralStereo objects will be added to the molecule using OBBase::SetData().
See also
StereoFrom2D FindStereogenicUnits
version 2.3

Referenced by OpenBabel::CanonicalLabels(), and OBStereoFacade::OBStereoFacade().

◆ TetrahedralFrom0D()

std::vector<OBTetrahedralStereo*> OpenBabel::TetrahedralFrom0D ( OBMol mol,
const OBStereoUnitSet stereoUnits,
bool  addToMol = true 

Get a vector with all OBTetrahedralStereo objects for the molecule. This function is used by StereoFrom0D() with the addToMol parameter is set to true. There is no algorithm used here, all specified flags will be set to false.

This function is also used for symmetry analysis to handle cases where there are two atoms in the same symmetry class that don't have the same stereochemistry. In this situation, the addToMol parameter is set to false and the returned objects will need to be deleted explicitly.

molThe molecule.
stereoUnitsThe stereogenic units.
addToMolIf true, the OBTetrahedralStereo objects will be added to the molecule using OBBase::SetData().
See also
StereoFrom0D FindStereogenicUnits
version 2.3

Referenced by OpenBabel::CanonicalLabels(), and OBStereoFacade::OBStereoFacade().

◆ CisTransFrom3D()

std::vector<OBCisTransStereo*> OpenBabel::CisTransFrom3D ( OBMol mol,
const OBStereoUnitSet stereoUnits,
bool  addToMol = true 

Get a vector with all OBCisTransStereo objects for the molecule. This function is used by StereoFrom3D() with the addToMol parameter is set to true.

The algorithm to convert the 3D coordinates to OBCisTransStereo objects considers the signed distance between the attached atoms and the plane through the double bond at right angles to the plane of the attached atoms. Bonds on the same side (cis) will share the same sign for the signed distance.

Missing atom coordinates (OBStereo::ImplicitRef) and their bond vectors will be computed if needed.

      0      3     Get signed distance of 0 and 2 to the plane
       \    /      that goes through the double bond and is at
        C==C       right angles to the stereo bonds.
       /    \
      1      2     If the two signed distances have the same sign
                   then they are cis; if not, then trans.

This function is also used for symmetry analysis to handle cases where there are two atoms in the same symmetry class that don't have the same stereochemistry. In this situation, the addToMol parameter is set to false and the returned objects will need to be deleted explicitly.

molThe molecule.
stereoUnitsThe stereogenic units.
addToMolIf true, the OBCisTransStereo objects will be added to the molecule using OBBase::SetData().
See also
StereoFrom3D FindStereogenicUnits
version 2.3

Referenced by OpenBabel::CanonicalLabels(), OBBuilder::CorrectStereoBonds(), and OBStereoFacade::OBStereoFacade().

◆ CisTransFrom2D()

std::vector<OBCisTransStereo*> OpenBabel::CisTransFrom2D ( OBMol mol,
const OBStereoUnitSet stereoUnits,
const std::map< OBBond *, enum OBStereo::BondDirection > *  updown = NULL,
bool  addToMol = true 

Get a vector with all OBCisTransStereo objects for the molecule. This function is used by StereoFrom2D() with the addToMol parameter is set to true.

This function is also used for symmetry analysis to handle cases where there are two atoms in the same symmetry class that don't have the same stereochemistry. In this situation, the addToMol parameter is set to false and the returned objects will need to be deleted explicitly.

The algorithm for converting the 2D coordinates uses the same triangle sign as TetrahedralFrom2D(). Depending on sign of 2 triangles, the right OBStereo::Shape is selected.

   0      3
    \    /        2 triangles: 0-1-b & 2-3-a
     a==b    -->  same sign: U
    /    \        opposite sign: Z
   1      2
molThe molecule.
stereoUnitsThe stereogenic units.
updownA map of OBStereo::BondDirection for cis/trans bonds
addToMolIf true, the OBCisTransStereo objects will be added to the molecule using OBBase::SetData().
See also
StereoFrom2D FindStereogenicUnits
version 2.3

Referenced by OpenBabel::CanonicalLabels(), and OBStereoFacade::OBStereoFacade().

◆ TetStereoToWedgeHash()

bool OpenBabel::TetStereoToWedgeHash ( OBMol mol,
std::map< OBBond *, enum OBStereo::BondDirection > &  updown,
std::map< OBBond *, OBStereo::Ref > &  from 

Convert a molecule's OBTetrahedralStereo objects to a series of hash or wedge bonds. Note that the molecule itself is not modified; the result is returned in the maps updown and from, which indicate the origin and direction of each hash or wedge bond.

When converting, the following guidelines are followed when trying to find the best candidate bond to set up/down for each OBTetrahedralStereo object:

  1. Should not already be set
  2. Should not be connected to a 2nd tet center (this is acceptable in theory as the wedge is only at one end, but in practice it may cause confusion and thus we avoid it)
  3. Preferably is not in a cycle
  4. Preferably is a terminal H

If no bond can be found that matches rules 1 and 2 (and in theory this is possible) then an error message is logged and the function returns false. (If you find an example where this occurs, please file a bug.)

molThe molecule.
updownA map of OBStereo::BondDirection for each hash/wedge bond
fromA map of OBStereo::Ref indicating the origin of each hash/wedge bond
True or False depending on whether the conversion was successful
version 2.3

Referenced by OBDepict::DrawMolecule(), and OBStereoFacade::OBStereoFacade().

◆ GetUnspecifiedCisTrans()

std::set<OBBond*> OpenBabel::GetUnspecifiedCisTrans ( OBMol mol)

Return a set of double bonds corresponding to the OBCisTransStereo objects for which the stereochemistry is undefined.

Note that this functions just iterates over the existing OBCisTransStereo objects - it does not try to identify new ones.

molThe molecule
A set of bonds with unspecified cis/trans stereochemistry
version 2.3

Referenced by OBStereoFacade::OBStereoFacade().

◆ StereoRefToImplicit()

void OpenBabel::StereoRefToImplicit ( OBMol mol,
OBStereo::Ref  atomId 

Convert any reference to atomId in a stereo object to an OBStereo::ImplicitRef. This function is called from OBMol::DeleteHydrogens() (via OBMol::DeleteHydrogen()) to remove any explicit references to a hydrogen atom that has been deleted. However, the code is not specific to hydrogen atoms and could be used for other atoms.

molThe molecule
atomIdThe Id of the atom to be converted to an OBStereo::ImplicitRef
version 2.3

Referenced by OBMol::DeleteHydrogen(), and OBStereoFacade::OBStereoFacade().

◆ ImplicitRefToStereo()

void OpenBabel::ImplicitRefToStereo ( OBMol mol,
OBStereo::Ref  centerId,
OBStereo::Ref  newId 

Convert any reference to an OBStereo::ImplicitRef attached to centerId in a stereo object to an explicit reference to newId. This function is called from OBMol::AddHydrogens() and OBMol::AddHydrogen() to convert any implicit references to a hydrogen atom that has just been added. However, the code is not specific to hydrogen atoms and could be used for other atoms.

molThe molecule
centerIdThe Id of the atom to which the new explicit atom is attached
newIdThe Id of the atom which was previously an OBStereo::ImplicitRef
version 2.4

Referenced by OBMol::AddHydrogens(), OBMol::AddNewHydrogens(), and OBStereoFacade::OBStereoFacade().

◆ CisTransFrom0D()

std::vector<OBCisTransStereo*> OpenBabel::CisTransFrom0D ( OBMol mol,
const OBStereoUnitSet stereoUnits,
bool  addToMol = true 

Get a vector with all OBCisTransStereo objects for the molecule. This function is used by StereoFrom0D() with the addToMol parameter is set to true. There is no algorithm used here, all specified flags will be set to false.

This function is also used for symmetry analysis to handle cases where there are two atoms in the same symmetry class that don't have the same stereochemistry. In this situation, the addToMol parameter is set to false and the returned objects will need to be deleted explicitly.

molThe molecule.
stereoUnitsThe stereogenic units.
addToMolIf true, the OBCisTransStereo objects will be added to the molecule using OBBase::SetData().
See also
StereoFrom0D FindStereogenicUnits
version 2.3

Referenced by OpenBabel::CanonicalLabels(), and OBStereoFacade::OBStereoFacade().

◆ FindStereogenicUnits() [1/2]

OBStereoUnitSet OpenBabel::FindStereogenicUnits ( OBMol mol,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  symClasses 

Find the stereogenic units in a molecule using a set of rules.1

The potential stereocenters are identified first. A potential tetrahedral stereogenic atom is any atom meeting the following criteria:

  • sp3 hybridization
  • at least 3 "heavy" neighbors

Nitrogen is treated as a special case since the barrier of inversion is low in many cases making the atom non-stereogenic. Only bridge-head nitrogen atoms (i.e. nitrogen has 3 neighbors in rings) will be considered stereogenic.

Potential stereogenic double bonds are identified using another set of simple criteria:

  • must be a double bond
  • must not be in a ring
  • both begin and end atom should have at least one single bond

True stereocenters (i.e. stereocenters with topologically different ligands) are identified first. For tetrahedral stereocenters, true stereocenters will have 4 different neighbor atom symmetry classes and this can be expressed using T1234 to classify these stereocenters. For stereogenic bonds, a similar classification C12 can be used but both begin and end atom have their own classification and the bond is only a true stereocenter if both atoms are C12.

Para stereocenters are all stereocenters where there are at least two equivalent neighbor atom symmetry classes. These are T1123, T1112, T1111 and T1122 for tetrahedral stereocenters and C11 for double bonds. To determine which of the remaining potential stereocenters really are stereocenters, a set of rules is used.1

Rule 1 is applied recusively:

All rings are merged "mergedRings". A merged ring is simply a fragment consisting of all atoms of a ring system (bridged, spiro, adjacent, ...). If two rings in the SSSR set share an atom, they are merged.

Each merged must at least have two para-stereocenters (or 1 true + 1 para) in order for the para-stereocenter to be valid. This is repeated until no new stereocenters are identified.

rule 1a for double bonds:

  • bond atom in ring has two identical symmetry classes for it's neighbor atoms (-> para)
  • other bond atom:
    • has two different symmetry classes for it's neighbours -> new stereocenter
    • has two identical symmetry classes, but the ligand contains at least 1 true or para stereocenter -> new stereocenter

rule 1b for tetracoord atoms:

  • at least two neighbour symmetry classes are the same (-> para)
  • other pair:
    • has two different symmetry classes for it's neighbours -> new stereocenter
    • has two identical symmetry classes, but the ligand contains at least 1 true or para stereocenter -> new stereocenter

Rules 2 and 3 are applied sequential (i.e. only once).

Rule 2a for tetracoordinate carbon:

  • 1 or 2 pair identical ligands
  • each ligand contains at least 1 true-stereocenter or 2 para-stereocenters (from rule 1)

Rule 2b for tetracoordinate carbon:

  • 3 or 4 identical ligands with at least
    • 2 true-stereocenters
    • 2 separate assemblies of para-stereocenters (from rule 1)

Rule 3 for double bonds:

  • 1 or 2 pair identical ligands (on begin and end atom)
  • each pair contains at least 1 true-stereocenter or 2 para-stereocenters (from rule 1)
[1] M. Razinger, K. Balasubramanian, M. Perdih, M. E. Munk, Stereoisomer
Generation in Computer-Enhanced Structure Elucidation, J. Chem. Inf.
Comput. Sci. 1993, 33, 812-825

Referenced by OpenBabel::CanonicalLabels(), and OBStereoFacade::OBStereoFacade().

◆ FindStereogenicUnits() [2/2]

OBStereoUnitSet OpenBabel::FindStereogenicUnits ( OBMol mol,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  symClasses,
const Automorphisms automorphisms 

Find the stereogenic units in a molecule making use of the automorphisms.

The potential stereocenters are identified first. A potential tetrahedral stereogenic atom is any atom meeting the following criteria:

  • sp3 hybridization
  • at least 3 "heavy" neighbors

Nitrogen is treated as a special case since the barrier of inversion is low in many cases making the atom non-stereogenic. Only bridge-head nitrogen atoms (i.e. nitrogen has 3 neighbors in rings) will be considered stereogenic.

Potential stereogenic double bonds are identified using another set of simple criteria:

  • must be a double bond
  • must not be in a ring
  • both begin and end atom should have at least one single bond

Once the potential stereocenters are found, the automorphisms are the key to identifying real stereogenic units. Automorphisms can be seen as permutations that permutate a graph back to the same graph. Such a permutation can only exchange atoms with the same symmetry class and it follows that the use of automorphisms takes symmetry into account. The definitions below use a concept where the automorphisms cause inversions of configuration to potential stereocenters. Such an inversion occurs whenever an automorphism exchanges two equivalent (i.e. with the same symmetry class) neighbor atoms attached to the potential stereogenic unit.

Definition for tetrahedral stereocenters:
A potential stereocenter really is a stereocenter if there exists no automorphic permutation causing an inversion of the configuration of only the potential stereogenic unit under consideration. If there exists at least one automorphic permutation causing an inversion of the configuration, then the potential stereogenic center can be a stereogenic center if the number of topologically equivalent neighbors (ligands) of the potential stereogenic center is less than or equal to the number of different configurations of these ligands.1

The actual number of configurations needed for the ligands depends on the classification (i.e. T1234, T1123, ...) of the stereo center. These classes reflect the symmetry classes of the neighbor atoms of the center.

  • T1123: 1 true stereocenter OR 2 para stereocenters
  • T1122: 1 true stereocenter OR 2 para stereocenters (for both)
  • T1112: 2 true stereocenters OR 2 para stereocenter assemblies
  • T1111: 2 true stereocenters OR 2 para stereocenter assemblies
Definition for double bond stereocenters:
A potential stereogenic double bond really is a stereogenic bond if there exists no automorphic permutation causing an inversion of the configuration of only the potential stereogenic unit under consideration. The bond can still be a stereogenic bond if there exists such an automorphism when the number of configurations of the pair of topologically equivalent geminal ligands, which are exchanged by the automorphism, is greater than or equal to two (i.e. the number of topologically equivalent geminal ligands.1

For stereogenic bonds, there is only one case but both begin and end atom have to be checked.

  • C11: 1 true stereocenter OR 1 para stereocenter

These criteria are analogous to the rules from the Razinger paper on stereoisomer generation. Since the existance of stereocenters can depend on the existance of other stereocenters (in the ligands), the stereocenters are found by iterating until no new stereocenters are found.

[1] M. Perdih, M. Razinger, Stereochemistry and Sequence Rules:
A Proposal for Modification of Cahn-Ingold-Prelog System,
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 1994, Vol. 5, No. 5, 835-861

◆ operator<<() [5/6]

ostream& std::operator<< ( ostream &  out,
const OpenBabel::OBTetrahedralStereo ts 
OBTetrahedralStereo::Config cfg; = 0;
cfg.towards = 4;
cfg.refs = OBStereo::MakeRefs(1, 2, 3);
cfg.winding = OBStereo::AntiClockwise;
cfg.view = OBStereo::ViewTowards;
OBTetrahedralStereo ts(mol);
cout << "ts = " << ts << endl;
// output
OBTetrahedralStereo(center = 0, viewTowards = 4, refs = 1 2 3, anti-clockwise)

◆ operator<<() [6/6]

ostream& std::operator<< ( ostream &  out,
const OpenBabel::OBTetrahedralStereo::Config cfg 
OBTetrahedralStereo::Config cfg; = 0;
cfg.towards = 4;
cfg.refs = OBStereo::MakeRefs(1, 2, 3);
cfg.winding = OBStereo::AntiClockwise;
cfg.view = OBStereo::ViewTowards;
cout << "cfg = " << cfg << endl;
// output
OBTetrahedralStereo::Config(center = 0, viewTowards = 4, refs = 1 2 3, anti-clockwise)