Chemical Storage and Manipulation:
- OBBase - General base class of OBAtom, OBMol, OBResidue, etc. for storing generic, arbitrary custom data
- OBMol - Central molecule class, properties, ...
- OBAtom - Central atom class, properties, coordinates, ...
- OBBond - Bond connection between two OBAtom, properties, bond orders, ...
- OBResidue - Biomolecule residues (amino acids, nucleic acids)
- OBReaction - Used to store chemical reactions (i.e., reactants -> products)
- OBGrid - A base grid class (e.g., 3D functions like electrostatic potential, evaluated on a grid)
- OBText - An object containing just text
- OBRing - Ring cycle perception, Smallest Set of Smallest Rings (SSSR), Largest Set of Smallest Rings (LSSR)
Import / Export:
- OBConversion - Conversion between file formats. Interface for import or export
- OBFormat - Parent class for file format types for any sort of data
Chemical Utilities:
- OBFingerprint - Generating molecular fingerprints for databases and similarity searches
- OBForceField - Molecular mechanics force fields for energy evaluation, conformational searching, coordinate generation, etc.
- OBChemTsfm - SMARTS based structural modification (chemical transformation)
Substructure Searching:
Utility Classes:
- OBBitVec - Efficient bit vector (e.g., for marking visit to atoms)
- OBMessageHandler - Error and warning handling, filtering, and logging
- OBRandom - Random number generator
- OBStopwatch - Stopwatch class used for timing length of execution
- OBSqrtTbl - Square Root lookup table - given a distance squared returns distance
Coordinate Manipulation:
Arbitrary Data:
- OBGenericData - General base class for arbitrary data types
- OBPairData - Arbitrary text key/value data
- OBPairTemplate - Arbitrary T key/value data
- OBUnitCell - Storage and manipulation of crystal structure / reciprocal unit cells
- AliasData, OBAngleData, OBCommentData, OBConformerData, OBDOSData, OBElectronicTransitionData, OBExternalBondData, OBGridData, OBMatrixData, OBNasaThermoData, OBOrbitalEnergyData, OBPairData, OBRateData, OBRingData, OBRotamerList, OBRotationData, OBSerialNums, OBSetData, OBStereoBase, OBSymmetryData, OBTorsionData, OBUnitCell, OBVectorData, OBVibrationData, OBVirtualBond
- OBPlugin
- OBChargeModel - assign partial (and formal) charges to a molecule
- OBDescriptor - molecular properties, descriptors or features for filtering or searching
- OBFingerprint - condensed representations of molecules as a set of bits
- OBForceField - implementation of molecular mechanics force field methods
- OBFormat - file formats for chemical data
- OBOp - operation for modifying a molecule or file (e.g., adding hydrogens)
Math Utilities:
- matrix3x3 - Square 3x3 matrices for 3D transformations and rotations
- vector3 - 3D vector class for translations and planes