InChI format (inchi)#

IUPAC/NIST molecular identifier

Read Options#

-X <Option string>

List of InChI options


molecule name follows InChI on same line


add InChI string to molecule name

Write Options#

Standard InChI is written unless certain InChI options are used


output InChIKey only


add molecule name after InChI


ignore less important warnings

These are: ‘Omitted undefined stereo’ ‘Charges were rearranged’ ‘Proton(s) added/removed’ ‘Metal was disconnected’


output auxiliary information


display InChI log


recalculate InChI; normally an input InChI is reused


recalculate wedge and hash bonds(2D structures only)

Uniqueness options (see also --unique and --sort which are more versatile)


output only unique molecules


output only unique molecules and sort them


compare first molecule to others

This can also be done with InChICompare format:

babel first.smi second.mol third.cml -ok
-T <param>

truncate InChI according to various parameters

See below for possible truncation parameters.

-X <Option string>

Additional InChI options

See InChI documentation. These options should be space delimited in a single quoted string.

  • Structure perception (compatible with stdInChI): NEWPSOFF, DoNotAddH, SNon

  • Stereo interpretation (produces non-standard InChI): SRel, SRac, SUCF, ChiralFlagON, ChiralFlagOFF

  • InChI creation options (produces non-standard InChI): SUU, SLUUD, FixedH, RecMet, KET, 15T

The following options are for convenience, e.g. -xF but produce non-standard InChI.


include fixed hydrogen layer


include bonds to metal


Truncation parameters used with -xT:


formula only


formula and connectivity only


ignore E/Z and sp3 stereochemistry


ignore sp3 stereochemistry


ignore E/Z steroeochemistry


ignore charge and protonation


ignore isotopes

Note that these can also be combined, e.g. /nochg/noiso