►NOpenBabel | Global namespace for all Open Babel code |
►Ndetail | Nested namespace for max_value templates |
Cmax_value | A C++ template to return the maximum value of a type (e.g., int) |
Cmax_value< T, 0 > | A C++ template to return the maximum value of a type (e.g., int) |
C_AtomExpr | An internal (SMARTS parser) atomic expression |
C_BondExpr | An internal (SMARTS parser) bond expression |
CAliasData | Indicate atoms as aliases for larger functional groups |
CASCIIPainter | |
CAtomSpec | An internal (SMARTS parser) atom specification |
CBondSpec | An internal (SMARTS parser) bond specification |
CCairoPainter | |
CCharPtrLess | Case insensitive string comparison for PluginMapType key |
CCommandPainter | |
CDeleteObject | Functor for deleting containers of pointers. Scott Meyers, Effective STL, Item 7 |
CDoubleType | Used for internal random number generation OBRandom (unless the system random generator is used) |
CFastSearch | Class to search fingerprint index files |
CFastSearchIndexer | Class to prepare fingerprint index files See FastSearch class for details |
CFilteringInputStream | A stream interface for FilteringInputStreambuf |
CFilteringInputStreambuf | Delivers characters from an istream or streambuf from a source while filtering |
CFptIndex | Structure of fastsearch index files |
CFptIndexHeader | Header for fastsearch index file |
CGasteigerState | Helper class for OBGastChrg which stores the Gasteiger states of a given atom |
CLineEndingExtractor | Replaces CRLF (DOS) and CR (Mac OS 9) line endings by LF (POSIX) |
CLineSearchType | The type of line search to be used for optimization – simple or Newton numeric |
Cmatrix3x3 | Represents a real 3x3 matrix |
COBAlign | Perform a least-squares alignment of two molecules or two vectors of vector3 objects |
COBAngle | Used to hold the 3 atoms in an angle and the angle itself |
COBAngleData | Used to hold all angles in a molecule as generic data for OBMol |
COBAromaticTyper | Assigns aromatic typing to atoms and bonds |
COBAtom | Atom class |
COBAtomAtomIter | Iterate over all neighboring atoms to an OBAtom |
COBAtomBondIter | Iterate over all bonds on an OBAtom |
COBAtomHOF | Helper class for OBAtomicHeatOfFormationTable |
COBAtomicHeatOfFormationTable | Atomic Heat of Formation Table |
COBAtomTyper | Assigns atom types, hybridization, and formal charges |
COBBase | Base Class |
COBBitVec | A speed-optimized vector of bits |
COBBond | Bond class |
COBBondTyper | Assigns bond types for file formats without bond information |
COBBuilder | Class to build 3D structures |
COBChainsParser | Perceives peptide or nucleotide chains and residues in an OBMol |
COBChargeModel | Atomic partial charge models |
COBChemTsfm | SMARTS based structural modification (chemical transformation) |
COBCisTransConfig | |
►COBCisTransStereo | Class for handling and storing cis/trans stereochemistry |
CConfig | Stereochemical configuration for double-bond cis/trans stereochemistry |
COBColor | Color class used by OBDepict |
COBCommentData | Used to store a comment string (can be multiple lines long) |
COBConformerData | Used to hold data on conformers or geometry optimization steps |
COBConformerFilter | Interface used by OBConformerSearch for filtering conformers |
COBConformerFilters | Class for combining OBConformerFilter objects |
COBConformerScore | Interface used by OBConformerSearch for scoring conformers |
COBConformerSearch | Conformer searching using genetic algorithm. See Conformer Searching |
►COBConversion | Class to convert from one format to another |
CStreamState | |
COBDepict | 2D depiction of molecules using OBPainter |
COBDescriptor | Base class for molecular properties, descriptors or features |
COBDOSData | Used to hold density of states information |
COBElectronicTransitionData | Used to hold information about electronic transitions |
COBEnergyConformerScore | A lowest energy conformer scoring class |
COBError | Customizable error handling and logging – store a message, including the method yielding the error, causes, etc |
COBExternalBond | Used to store information on an external bond (e.g., SMILES fragments) |
COBExternalBondData | Used to store information on external bonds (e.g., in SMILES fragments) |
COBFFCalculation2 | Internal class for OBForceField to hold energy and gradient calculations on specific force fields |
COBFFCalculation3 | Internal class for OBForceField to hold energy and gradient calculations on specific force fields |
COBFFCalculation4 | Internal class for OBForceField to hold energy and gradient calculations on specific force fields |
COBFFConstraint | Internal class for OBForceField to hold constraints |
COBFFConstraints | Internal class for OBForceField to handle constraints |
COBFFParameter | Internal class for OBForceField to hold forcefield parameters |
COBFingerprint | The base class for fingerprints |
COBFloatGrid | Handle double precision floating point 3D grids (e.g., charge density around an OBMol) |
COBFontMetrics | Font metrics class used by OBDepict |
COBForceField | Base class for molecular mechanics force fields |
COBFormat | Base class for file formats |
COBFreeGrid | Handle double precision floating point data with coordinates not on a grid Can hold array of random coordinates and associated values |
COBFreeGridPoint | Helper class for OBFreeGrid Can hold a random coordinate and associated value |
COBGastChrg | Assigns Gasteiger partial charges |
COBGenericData | Base class for generic data |
COBGlobalDataBase | Base data table class, handles reading data files |
COBGraphSym | Handle and perceive graph symmtery for canonical numbering |
COBGrid | A base grid class |
COBGridData | Store values for numeric grids such as orbitals or electrostatic potential |
COBGroupContrib | Handle group contribution algorithms |
COBInternalCoord | Used to transform from z-matrix to cartesian coordinates |
►COBIsomorphismMapper | Abstract class defining interface for isomorphism (i.e. substructure) searches |
CFunctor | Functor base class to be used in combination with MapGeneric |
COBLocale | Handle the locale for numeric data parsing |
CobLogBuf | A minimal streambuf derivative to wrap calls to cerr into calls to OBMessageHandler as needed |
COBMatrixData | Used to hold a 3x3 matrix item (e.g., a quadrupole moment) |
COBMessageHandler | Handle error messages, warnings, debugging information and the like |
COBMinimizingEnergyConformerScore | A lowest energy conformer scoring class (after minimization) |
COBMinimizingRMSDConformerScore | An RMSD conformer scoring class, after a short minimization |
COBMol | Molecule Class |
COBMolAngleIter | Iterate over all angles in an OBMol |
COBMolAtomBFSIter | Iterate over all atoms in an OBMol in a breadth-first search (BFS) |
COBMolAtomDFSIter | Iterate over all atoms in an OBMol in a depth-first search (DFS) |
COBMolAtomIter | Iterate over all atoms in an OBMol |
COBMolBondBFSIter | Iterate over all bonds in an OBMol in a breadth-first search (BFS) |
COBMolBondIter | Iterate over all bonds in an OBMol |
COBMoleculeFormat | An OBFormat convenience subclass for conversion to/from OBMol data |
COBMolPairIter | Iterate over all pairs of atoms (>1-4) in an OBMol |
COBMolRingIter | Iterate over all rings in an OBMol |
COBMolTorsionIter | Iterate over all torsions in an OBMol |
COBNasaThermoData | Thermodynamic data in old style NASA polynomial form for OBMol |
COBOp | Operations to modify molecules before output |
COBOrbital | Used to store energy, occupation, and orbital symmetry of a particular orbital |
COBOrbitalData | Used to hold information about orbital energies |
COBPainter | Abstract painter base class used by OBDepict |
COBPairData | Used to store arbitrary text attribute/value relationships |
COBPairTemplate | Used to store arbitrary attribute/value relationsips of any type |
COBPcharge | |
COBPhModel | Corrections for pH used by OBMol::CorrectForPH() |
COBPlugin | Base class for all types of dynamic classes discovered at runtime |
COBPointGroup | Brute-force point group symmetry perception |
COBProxGrid | A grid for determining the proximity of a given point to atoms in an OBMol |
COBQuery | A substructure query |
COBQueryAtom | Atom in an OBQuery |
COBQueryBond | Bond in an OBQuery |
COBRandom | Random number generator |
COBRateData | Holds rate constant data for OBReaction |
COBReaction | Used to store chemical reactions (i.e., reactants -> products) |
COBReactionFacade | Facade to simplify manipulation of reactions stored as OBMol objects |
COBResidue | Residue information |
COBResidueAtomIter | Iterate over all atoms in an OBResidue |
COBResidueData | Table of common biomolecule residues (for PDB or other files) |
COBResidueIter | Iterate over all residues in an OBMol |
COBRing | Stores information on rings in a molecule from SSSR perception |
COBRingData | Used to store the SSSR set (filled in by OBMol::GetSSSR()) |
COBRingSearch | Internal class to facilitate OBMol::FindSSSR() |
COBRingTyper | Assigns ring types |
COBRMSDConformerScore | A RMSD conformer scoring class |
COBRotamerList | Supports a set of rotamer coordinate sets for some number of potentially rotatable bonds |
COBRotationData | Used to hold the rotational constants and symmetry numbers |
COBRotor | A single rotatable OBBond as part of rotamer searching |
COBRotorKeys | A class to generate all possible rotorKeys |
COBRotorList | Given an OBMol, set up a list of possibly rotatable torsions, |
COBRotorRule | A rule for torsional conformer searching, defined by a SMARTS pattern |
COBRotorRules | Database of default hybridization torsional rules and SMARTS-defined OBRotorRule objects |
COBRTree | Internal class for OBRing search algorithms to create a search tree of OBAtom objects |
COBScoreGrid | A base class for scoring docking interactions between multiple molecules |
COBSerialNums | Defines a map between serial numbers (e.g., in a PDB file) and OBAtom objects inside a molecule |
COBSetData | Used to store arbitrary attribute/set relationships. Should be used to store a set of OBGenericData based on an attribute |
COBSmartsMatcher | Internal class: performs matching; a wrapper around previous C matching code to make it thread safe |
COBSmartsPattern | SMARTS (SMiles ARbitrary Target Specification) substructure searching |
COBSpectrophore | Class to compute Spectrophores™ |
COBSqrtTbl | Square Root lookup table - given a distance squared returns distance |
COBSquarePlanarConfig | |
►COBSquarePlanarStereo | Class for handling and storing square planar stereochemistry |
CConfig | Stereochemical configuration for square planar stereocenters |
COBSSMatch | Internal class: performs fast, exhaustive matching used to find just a single match in match() using recursion and explicit stack handling |
COBStereo | Placeholder for enums & Ref/Refs related functions |
COBStereoBase | Base class for all stereochemistry classes |
COBStereoFacade | Facade to simplify retrieval of OBStereoBase derived objects |
COBStereoUnit | Struct representing a single stereogenic unit |
COBStericConformerFilter | A steric conformer filter class |
COBStopwatch | Stopwatch class used for timing length of execution |
COBSymmetryData | Used to hold the point-group and/or space-group symmetry |
COBTetrahedralConfig | |
►COBTetrahedralStereo | Class for handling and storing tetrahedral atom stereochemistry |
CConfig | Stereochemical configuration for tetrahedral stereocenters |
COBTetraNonPlanarStereo | Base class for handling and storing non-planar stereochemistry with 4 reference atom ids |
COBTetraPlanarStereo | Base class for handling and storing planar stereochemistry with 4 reference atoms |
COBText | An object containing just text |
COBTorsion | Used to hold the torsion data for a single rotatable bond and all four atoms around it |
COBTorsionData | Used to hold torsions as generic data for OBMol |
COBTypeTable | Atom Type Translation Table |
COBUnitCell | Used for storing information about periodic boundary conditions with conversion to/from translation vectors and (a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma) |
COBVectorData | Used to hold a 3D vector item (e.g., a dipole moment) |
COBVibrationData | Used to hold the normal modes of a molecule, etc |
COBVirtualBond | Used to temporarily store bonds that reference an atom that has not yet been added to a molecule |
COpTransform | Applies molecular reactions/transforms (OBChemTsfm class) read from a datafile |
CParseState | A SMARTS parser internal state |
CPattern | A SMARTS parser internal pattern |
Cpatty | Programmable Atom Typer |
Cquad | A 4-element templated, based on the design of the STL pair<> |
CSpaceGroup | Handle crystallographic space group symmetry |
CTautomerFunctor | |
Ctransform3d | Handle 3D transformations, such as space group definitions |
Ctriple | A 3-element templated, based on the design of the STL pair<> |
Cvector3 | Represents a vector in 3-dimensional real space |
CXMLBaseFormat | Abstract class containing common functionality for XML formats |
CXMLConversion | A subclass for conversion of XML formats |
CXMLMoleculeFormat | Abstract class for XML formats which represent molecules |
CDLHandler | Interface for dynamic libraries |